Rikki and Janine

We are so pleased that we registered with Costa Brava Fincas and so grateful for the help and support that both Warwick and Laura have given us. We had been searching for a home in Calonge without success for some months. Warwick listened very very carefully to all our criteria and within 24 hours of walking in to the CBF offices, Warwick had shown us the property that is now our lovely new villa. He has been an amazing source of help and support throughout, from working tirelessly to ensure that the sale went as smoothly and quickly as possible (within 6 weeks), to advising on many diverse areas such as local vets, gardeners, car dealers and much more. No query has been too much trouble for him and he still offers advice and support when we need! He has made our transition to our new life here so easy and pleasurable. Without exception, we found Warwick and Laura to be very kind, professional, patient and friendly during every step of the process. We wish them every success and would ...

Doris et Camille

Un grand bravo pour ce super travail. L'achat de notre maison a été parfait.
Grand merci à Laura et Warwick pour tout!

Doris & Camille

Rosa y Andrés

Ahora que hemos vendido la casa tengo un poco de morriña, pero dado que la habíamos disfrutado desde hace casi 30 años, creo que hemos hecho bien. La relación que hemos tenido durante este tiempo con vosotros Costa Brava Fincas ha sido inmejorable, y todo ha discurrido con mucha eficacia y claridad, habéis hecho de intermediarios facilitando la gestión tanto del vendedor como del Comprador.
Estamos contentos, hay conocidos en Platja Dáro que cuando nos pregunten no dudaremos en dar muy buenas REFERENCIAS .

Martin and Lesley

So in Autumn 2016, we started to search for a place on the Costa Brava, we
found an apartment for sale with Costa Brava Fincas. This sale didn't happen
BUT Warwick stuck with us & in June 2017 he found us a house that we loved.

Thanks to Warwick & his team helping us & accompanying us to the bank & notary, Laura & Natalie even looked after the children for us to sign (how we would have managed, I don't know).
We spent the last two weeks of August in our house in the sun & loved every
minute of it.
Thank you Warwick & team for going the extra mile for us. We now look on you as a friend & our go to person when we need to know something or get something done. See you in October!


Lieber Warwick

Vielen Dank für Deine professionelle Unterstützung beim Verkauf meiner Liegenschaft.

Zu meiner vollsten Zufriedenheit hast Du genau die Familie gefunden, die weiterhin Freude am Haus hat.

Danke für Deine offene, korrekte und positive Art mit der Du und auch Laura mich begleitet haben.

Gerne werde ich Dich weiterempfehlen.


Russ and Justine

Couldn’t have done it without you.We are now the proud owners of a lovely Spanish house in the hills of Santa Cristina D’Aro and we would never have achieved this without the fantastic help and support of Costa Brava Fincas and their network of contacts.From the beginning of the process viewing properties on-line, arranging a local area visit for physical viewing, to attending the Notary with us at the final stages of the purchase process, the help and support we received from Costa Brava Fincas has been second to none.Warwick seems to know everybody in and around the area and with him being bi-lingual means his knowledge and contacts are invaluable.Not only did they negotiate a fantastic price for the house we wanted, they supported us through the whole purchasing process which was long and fairly complicated. Putting us in touch with all the necessary people, such as Lawyers, Banks and companies who arrange the all important NIE numbers.But the support has not stopped ...

Richard and Liliana

We were looking to purchase a home in the Costa Brava area of Spain when we stumbled upon the Costa Brava Fincas website which looked very professional and informative. Our initial impression on meeting owner Warwick Pemberton and his assistant Laura, was that we were in good hands. Warwick is from Great Britain and both he and Laura (a Spanish native) are fluent in several languages including English and Spanish. We must have asked a million questions about property values, good restaurants, beaches, services, taxes, etc….all answered patiently in detail. Warwick and Laura not only provided us with in-depth information while showing many properties -- but also provided us with personal attention that went well beyond what you would expect from a typical real estate office. Significantly, Warwick was instrumental in negotiating a truly great deal on the property we ultimately purchased, introduced us to an excellent banker who made sure we were protected during the financial transactions, and arranged for a notary for closing who ensured the transfer of a clear title of our new property without issue. After the closing, Warwick and Laura went our of their way to do more -- including receiving / deliverying various house-hold items we had ordered from Amazon Europe in advance of the closing, and handling the transfer of utility services (water/power) from the previous owner to our new account. Simply put, Costa Brava Fincas is a truly a first class real estate company that we highly recommend if you're looking to purchase a property in the beautiful Costa Brava area!

Jean Pierre et Patricia

A la recherche d'un bien à acheter nous nous sommes adressés à l'agence immobilière Costa Brava Fincas qui nous a proposé plusieurs produits répondant à nos critères. Nous avons eu ainsi la posibilité de faire le choix le plus approprié.

Bien guidé et conseillé sur le plan des démarches administratives tant législatives que bancaires, Mr Pemberton et ses collaboratrices Laura et Wendy ont toujours été disponibles et très réactifs à nos diverses demandes.

Nous ne pouvons que préconiser de travailler avec cette équipe jeune et dynamique, et ne manquerons pas de nous adresser à elle en vue d'une éventuelle future transaction immobilière ou locative.

Pour valoir ce que de droit. JP.R

+34 972 829 880 +34 972 829 880 info@costabravafincas.com info@costabravafincas.com
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