Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views
Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views
Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views
Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views
90.000 €
Ref. GH-CBF4755

Santa Cristina d'Aro

Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views

Surface area
750 m2

Superb South Facing Plot of Land with Lovely Views


Property description

Very well priced plot of land for sale in a quiet residential area of Santa Cristina. The plot is located at the end of a small quiet road, with the National Park as your neighbour. South facing, with some lovely open green views, and just a gentle slope, this has huge potential to build a stylish villa. CBF can help with the design and build. For the best land for sale in Santa Cristina contact Costa Brava Fincas.
Category: Plot
Surface area: 750 m2
Municipality: Santa Cristina d'Aro
Transaction: Sale
Property characteristics
Work category

Energy efficiency


+34 972 829 880 +34 972 829 880
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