
My ‘Place in the Sun’
My favourite holiday location is Palamos on the Costa Brava north of Barcelona. I have visited the town on a regular basis for almost 40 years since I was a child. I still find the combination of a traditional Spanish fishing port, beautiful sandy beaches and great places to eat irresistible. While on vacation in the summer of 2014 my son drew my attention to the very competitive prices of villas and apartments for sale in the area. When I returned to the UK I did my sums and taking account the very favourable exchange rates decided that the time was right to buy my very own ‘place in the sun’.
I did some research on the internet and made a list of 12 properties that met my requirements. There were 4 estate agents involved, three were Spanish locals and the other was a British ex-pat living in the town by the name of Warwick Pemberton. I made contact with them all and flew back to Spain to visit the properties on my list. All the estate agents were helpful but as a non-Spanish speaking person I did struggle a little sometimes to understand the detail of what was being discussed.
My shortlist for a second visit consisted of four properties, three of which had been presented to me by Warwick. I do not think this was a coincidence; it was based on the fact that he had clearly understood my specification, had a real appreciation of what was important to a British person and with his ability to converse fluently in Spanish and English was able to pose all the questions I had to ask. He also took time out to explain to me in detail the nuances of the system of buying a property in Spain.
I decided on an apartment close to La Fosca beach with private parking, a garden and access to a pool.
Throughout the entire process of purchasing the property Warwick could not have been more helpful. He helped me with agreeing a price, making the offer, sorting the contract, accompanying me to the Notary to sign the paperwork, deep cleaning the apartment and arranging the paperwork for transferring the services to my name. I was often under the impression he was working for me not the vendors!
I now spend very pleasant long weekends enjoying the sun in my very own second home. If you are looking to follow suit I would very strongly recommend you make sure that Warwick is someone you contact, he could not have done more to help me,
Dr Paul Smart

+34 972 829 880 +34 972 829 880
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